Why These Materials Are a Great Option for Sustainable Furniture?


There has been a lot of talk about eco-friendly and sustainable furniture in recent years. This is fueled by the desire to reduce environmental impact so that you can make smarter choices when it comes to which furniture to buy. It starts with choosing furniture manufacturers that use sustainable materials for their plastic chairs and furniture. But more than that, there should be a strong commitment within the company to deliver quality and make eco-conscious decisions because it is possible to achieve both.

Why Choose Sustainable Furniture?

Eco design is the first step towards reducing environmental impact and carbon footprint. Whether you are buying furniture for your home or office use, choose ones without toxic materials and are made with recyclable or eco-friendly materials. This is vital in promoting a sustainable furniture industry

This is highly linked to circular economy, which is based on the utilization of resources. A circular economy in terms of the production of sustainable furniture refers to the use of raw materials and reducing the amount of waste. Ideally, there should be a focus on recycling and reusing to add value. In terms of furniture, even when the product has reached the end of its life, its part can still be used in some other form (whether or not used to make another type of furniture).

With that said, sustainability largely depends on the type of material used during its manufacturing process. This is why more and more companies like Maka Furniture are choosing to advance this cause. There is careful thought and consideration that goes into making each piece of plastic chair or furniture. The goal is to make sure that each piece of furniture is free of toxic and harmful substances while being sustainable.

First off, you want to reduce and completely put a stop to deforestation. It is vital to protect the forest because it helps to clean the air and regulate the climate. Ecological furniture contributes to slowing down the rate of deforestation by making sure that no trees are cut in the process; instead, we rely on recycled materials.

Furthermore, choosing sustainability is all part of our quest to create a better world. Not only is sustainable furniture focused on the use of natural materials and respecting the environment, it is also healthier for humans. You are not exposed to harmful substances that can negatively affect human health.

To help you choose sustainable furniture, it is important to know your options when it comes to eco-friendly materials. This will help to inform your decision on which furniture to invest in if you want to make an eco-friendly choice.

Is Polypropylene Eco Friendly? 

Polypropylene is one of the materials that we use in the manufacture of our plastic chairs and furniture. Known simply as PP, it is also one of the cheapest plastic materials available in the industry. It is growing in popularity as of late such that it surpassed polyethylene in terms of popularity.

As of 2020, there has been more than 80 million tons of polypropylene that had been produced and the production is spearheaded by China.

It is a popular choice for lots of furniture manufacturers like us because of its durability. It also explains why this is the go-to choice in the manufacture of items like food containers, plastic packaging, thin-wall containers, and so on. It does not absorb water, has a high melting point, and does not leach chemicals into your food even exposed to high temperature.

In terms of ecof-friendliness, this is one of the best materials out there. It’s no wonder why we use a lot of polypropylene in our plastic chairs. While it is impossible to measure the exact carbon footprint of this material, its carbon dioxide emission is considerably low especially when compared to other types of plastic and materials used for making furniture. In comparison to polycarbonate or polyethylene, these two have 3 times more carbon footprint.

It is important to note that polypropylene is not biodegradable. However, it takes a shorter amount of time to biodegrade versus other types of plastic. Most plastic takes about 500 years to degrade whereas PPP only takes 20 to 30 years. This is a significant difference, which makes it an excellent choice for plastic furniture manufacturing!

The good news is that PP is fully recyclable. It does not emit toxins into the environment during the recycling process, either. It is definitely a good option for anyone looking for cheap plastic furniture without sacrificing eco-friendliness. You can easily recycle this product and t will be durable enough to last for many years.

Another reason to choose our plastic furniture that is made of polypropylene is that they do not cause harmful effects on human health. As mentioned above, it can withstand extreme temperature so it won’t cause the release of chemicals and other toxins once exposed to heat. It is also a BPA-free plastic so it won’t cause any serious health conditions in the long run.

When shopping for plastic furniture for home or office use, it is important to choose ones that are made with polypropylene. This will give you confidence that you can contribute to preserving the environment and that you have made an eco-friendly choice.

Is Fiberglass Eco Friendly? 

Aside from polypropylene, fiberglass is another material that we use in the manufacture of our plastic furniture. This is another eco friendly material that is gaining a lot of popularity among those who want to invest in ecological furniture.

With that said, fiberglass is an eco-friendly material that is built to last. It is a go-to material in the construction industry because it offers plenty of benefits such as energy efficiency and sustainability.

The composition of fiberglass is responsible for its low embodied energy or the amount of energy needed to produce a product. But just how environmentally friendly is this material? First off, fiberglass is highly durable and long-lasting. This in itself is a good choice for the environment because you no longer have to utilize other resources and raw materials to replace and reinforce it. This is just one of the obvious reasons why it is a sustainable choice for the manufacture of furniture.

The reason behind this is that fiberglass isn’t necessarily made of plastic but sand (or silica). Silica is an abundant material and is non-depleting. Therefore, mining this product is highly sustainable as compared to other raw materials in making furniture. The manufacture of fiberglass, therefore, does not consume a lot of energy unlike other similar materials. Fiberglass is also extremely lightweight so it can be easily molded in the factory when making furniture.

While the common misconception that most people have about glass is that it is highly fragile, the same cannot be said of fiberglass. When it is drawn into fibers, the tensile strength of the material will improve significantly. You can also reinforce it with polyester resin that adds to its long lasting quality and durability. Due to its strength, the furniture can also last for a long time.

Lastly, fiberglass (like polypropylene) is recyclable. If you need to discard your furniture for some reason, you do not need to throw the materials into the trash. You can recycle it for something else by simply replacing other components. It helps to extend the use of the material so you can get more out of the same material.

Make sure to look for fiberglass and polypropylene as materials when you want to invest in new furniture. Your investment can definitely go a long way especially in promoting a sustainable furniture industry.

Shop Eco-Friendly Plastic Chairs at Maka Furniture

If you are looking for sustainable furniture such as plastic chairs and tables, you can turn to Maka Furniture. We use polypropylene and fiberglass in the design and manufacture of our furniture. It is part of our commitment to ensure that we reduce environmental impact and provide healthier choices for our customers.

Furthermore, we ensure quality with the help of our quality materials. Since we choose sustainable materials, they can last a long time and can be reused later on once the product has reached the end of its life.

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